Defense of Master thesis

Date سبتمبر 18, 2021
Location Mansoura University
Duration 1 Day
Organizer N/A
Partners & Sponsors N/A

Defense of Master thesis

Manar Emad, Teaching Assistant at Faculty of Business Administration at HUE completed Master in Business Administration – Management, under the title of “Mediating Work-Family Enrichment in the Relationship between Job Characteristics and Job Pride (An empirical study on banks’ employees in Mansoura) ”. the dissertation has been discussed by a committee consisting of four experts (Prof. Mohammed Galal Soliman Seddik – “Chairman & First supervisor” Professor of Business Management at Faculty of Commerce – Mansoura University , Prof. Shawky Abd El-Kawy El-Sabbagh -“External Examiner” Professor of Business Management and Former Dean of Faculty of Commerce – Menoufia University , Prof. Ali Younes Ebrahim – “Internal Examiner” -Professor of Business Management at Faculty of Commerce – Mansoura University , and Assoc. Prof. Ahmed Mohamed Elsetouhi – “Member & second supervisor” – Associate Professor of Business Management at Faculty of Commerce – Mansoura University.
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