Glabia party

التاريخ | أبريل 18, 2020 |
المكان | Horus University |
المدة الزمنية | 1 Day |
المنظم | Faculty of Business Administration |
الشركاء والرعاة | N/A |
عدد المشاهدات |

Glabia party
The largest gathering of Horus University students at the Galabia Party ceremony held by the FBA at Horus University. It is the party that it’s held annually under the title Galabia Party, and was attended by a group of university students in various faculties. The attendees were keen to wear the Galabies of all kinds and colors, and the atmosphere of the ceremony enveloped Arab and oriental music.

أ.م.د هناء الجوهري
القائم بعمل عميد الكلية
نرحب بكل من يساهم في بناء مستقبل وطننا لمساعدته على أن يأخذ مكانة مميزة بين الأمم.