Research Submission Procedure

Publication Procedure

Scientific papers are published in both Arabic and English, and both include an abstract in Arabic and English.

Researchers should submit three (3) copies following the editorial board’s guidelines.

Researchers must provide a full copy of any survey or data collection tool used in the research.

The title and abstract of the research must be submitted for preliminary screening

Publication rules

Researchers must adhere to the following conditions:

Formal rules

Paper dimensions :

  1. Research papers and articles are printed on a single column.
  2. The research is written on A4 paper.

Font Specifications:

  1. The font must be Calibri (Body) (in the case of Arabic language research).
  2. The font should be Time New Roman (in case the research is written in a foreign language).
  3. Headings of articles in bold (16) and subheadings in bold (14) in Arabic and English
  4. Headings and subheadings in both Arabic and English use BOLD
  5. Abstract at the beginning of the research in BOLD (12) English (12) Arabic
  6. Margins and footnotes in BOLD (10), with margins – top 1 cm, bottom 1 cm, right 0.75 cm and left 0.75 cm.
  7. The distance between lines is 1.15 per paragraph.
  8. A summary in English (in case the research is in Arabic) At the end of the research
  9. a summary in Arabic (in case the research is written in a foreign language) At the end of the research.

Tables and Figures:

  1. Give a number to each table or figure.
  2. Give a title at the top of each table in 12-point font size.
  3. Give a title at the bottom of each figure in 12-point font size.
  4. Mention the name of the source on which the researcher relied to obtain the data contained in the figure or table.

Mathematical equations:

  1. Equations should be numbered sequentially.

Regulations for research submitted to the journal

The researcher is required to follow the following steps in preparing his/her research:

On the first page, the researcher writes the following:

  1. The title of the research.
  2. The name of the researcher(s) and his/her work destination.
  3. Abstract in Arabic followed by keywords.
  4. Abstract in English followed by keywords.
  5. Keywords from 3 to 6 words

Order of content

The researcher is required to adhere to the following order in writing his/her paper according to the journal’s publication requirements:

  1. Introduction
  2. Research Problem
  3. Importance of the research
  4. Research objective
  5. Previous studies.
  6. Research hypotheses (if any)
  7. The research itself.
  8. Results and recommendations.
  9. Sources and references.
  10. Appendices (if any).
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