Quality Assurance Unit

Manager's Word

The process of developing higher education institutions constitutes a major challenge, to meet the contemporary challenges facing our society, and this requires finding non-traditional solutions that contribute to building the character of the student, who represents the nucleus of society.

Accordingly, the Quality Assurance Unit at the Faculty of Business Administration at Horus University seeks to apply the standards of higher education quality issued by the National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education (NAQAAE), which are consistent with Egypt’s Vision 2030. In a way that achieves the college’s mission and strategic goals, It undertakes the tasks of continuous self-evaluation. It plays an important role in spreading the culture of quality among the college’s members and developing their skills concerning managing quality systems, intending to qualify the college to obtain accreditation and gain the confidence of the surrounding community in the capabilities of the college’s graduates.


Quality Assurance Unit Manager:

Dr. Dina Talaat Hamdi Neel

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