Quality Assurance Unit

Strategic Objectives

  1. To develop an internal system for the faculty’s quality management
  2. To emit quality culture among stakeholders
  3. To develop the capacity of all human resources categories in the faculty.
  4. To achieve the vision, mission and goals of the faculty
  5. To follow-up the implementation of the strategic plan’s annual Operational plans
  6. To apply self-evaluation and prepare self-study.
  7. To follow-up and prepare programs and course specifications
  8. To follow-up on the preparation of reports, program and course files
  9. To develop the human resources’ performance appraisal systems, indicators and models.
  10. To apply periodic internal Review to the departments and different faculty sectors.
  11. To develop performance improvement plans.
  12. To qualify the faculty to apply for accreditation from the National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education
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